Unseen risk of pay per click ads

Facebook has them, Adsense has them. Heck, you will even see Adsense links on my site. But are they good for everybody's business and situation? Not necessarily.

I have been a customer on both sides of pay-per-click. I've run and paid for some pay-per-click ad campaign for my portrait art business and for My Snellville Blog. From publishing My Snellville Blog, I also know how it works on websites. So here is my opinion for you if you are thinking about advertising this way.

I think they're great for a publisher or an owner of a website to bring in some income from people clicking on the links. For the most part, it's a good deal for the advertiser, the site owner (publisher), and the website visitor.

However, if your type of business has a lot of competitors, there is a real chance that your competition is clicking your ads instead of potential customers. It's not technically 'Click Fraud,' because your competitor is a potential customer, so he has the right to click your link as many times as he wants!  Why would your competitor click your ad? Because your competitor knows that clicking that pay-per-click link will cost you money!

Pay-per-click links have virtually no visual punch. Pay per click advertisement links will not give potential customers a visual of your logo, colors, or general branding. It's just a link. It looks pretty much like everybody else's link, and if there's a lot of competition, your ad may not show up very much, depending on the budget limit you've set.

In a picture ad like My Snellville Blog offers, you have BOTH the chance of a click AND the visual image that the potential customer sees over and over. In a picture ad like I have on My Snellville Blog, you get the repeat visual, and your ad is on every page and every reasonable department page of the site. Maybe the viewer won't always click the ad. Clicks are nice, but clicks are just that -- clicks.

A click may or may not turn into a real sale.  So maybe Ms. Dixon doesn't click today, but when Ms. Dixon is driving down Scenic Highway in Snellville and sees your business, the "click" happens in her brain. She  may think to herself, "I've heard about this place, I will check it out."  Now Ms. Dixon is in your place of business in person.

That's better than a click on a computer screen. Do you want to advertise online? Definitely you should! More and more people look online for things they need now.

So really, it's more about the QUALITY of the click and the how the website your ad is on fits into your company's overall philosophy of community, than the sheer number of clicks. Somebody could click your pay per click link all day long, and you might see 2,000 click-throughs -- but did it convert to a sale?

My Snellville Blog has been a trusted source of news, events, and information since 2005, and I will work to get you the best exposure I can provide in the Snellville area to match the advertising plan you select.

Contact: Darla Dixon - 678-727-2648